Tuesday, December 11, 2007
where are the yarnaholics anonymous sponsors when you need one

Shoot! I've been so good and have ignored the siren calls for so long. But today I fell off the wagon and went for a fix at the yarn crackhouse that is Elann. The latest addition is a wool, silk, and bamboo blend called Incense. I did use my $50 credit, so it wasn't too bad (p.s. credits are "earned" from previous purchases, so you can imagine the damage I've done in the past). And I only - oh, the slippery slope that word implies - bought for two specific projects I have in mind.

Do they make a patch for yarn addicts? Cuz you'll need one once you're hooked on Elann.

Monday, December 10, 2007
fun links
I came across some links while surfing Ravelry that I thought were worth sharing. The first is a blog post of a knitter's mother-in-law's incredible yarn stash: here. Can you imagine having a mini LYS right in your house?! Next is a nice knitting-themed calendar you can print and use: here. She has some other free tutorials you can check out, too.

No new knitting to share. My tendinitis is acting up, so I'm giving my wrist a break for a few days.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
cph progress
I'm up to my armpits in CPH! Stupid pun, I know, but I couldn't resist. Here it is divided and ready for armhole shaping.

I've had to frog a few times...that's what happens when you're overeager and don't read instructions or plan things out thoroughly. I was almost done with armhole shaping on the right front before I re-read and realized I should do the back first since that measurement is what's used to complete the fronts. But it was fine that I had to rip it back since I also forgot that I should have bound off fewer stitches for the armholes (because I started without the seam stitches since I'm knitting the body in one piece). Such is the bane of the impatient knitter.

eye candy
I won this beautiful yarn from the Lotus Knits blog contest I entered a few weeks ago. The name of the colorway is Prayers for Rain - so appropriate for San Diego.

Monday, December 03, 2007
modified elisa's nest tote

My modifications to Elisa's Nest Tote - no purling, seams or kitchener stitch!


Lily Sugar 'n Cream (2.5 oz) - I used less than 2 balls


DPNs size US 10 1/2
24" circular size US 10 1/2
DPNs size US 8 for straps


With two size 10 1/2 DPNs, Eastern/Turkish cast-on 74 sts; yo to make 75 sts; pm and distribute sts to as many DPNs as necessary; start with Round 2 of pattern (the cast-on is Round 1):

Round 1: knit
Round 2: k1, *yo, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round
Round 3: knit
Round 4: *ssk, yo, repeat from * to last st, k1

Repeat the four pattern rounds, switching to circular needle as needed, until bag is about 12" long. I ended on Round 4. Bind-off loosely. When I knit in the round, I like to get rid of the gap between the first and last st of the bind-off by using a yarn needle to create another stitch**

I-cord Straps:

With size 8 DPNs, Eastern/Turkish cast-on 12 sts, but put bottom 6 sts on stitch holder (I use a safety pin). Pick up a st on the top border of the bag and begin applied I-cord as described in the pattern. Continue around the top of the bag. My I-cord was 50 rounds but it gathered the top of the bag too much and made the opening of the bag pretty small, so I would recommend picking up more stitches to keep the opening larger. With RS facing, three-needle BO with the 6 sts on holder.

Repeat for other strap. Weave in ends.

**Here's how I close the gap between the first and last BO stitches when knitting in the round:

With yarn needle on the end you just pulled through the last BO stitch, go under the two loops of the first BO stitch:

Then back into the last BO stitch:

Looks like just another stitch between the two BO stiches:
